Reid Congratulates GOP For Eight Years Obstructing The First Black President
Yeah, that's their job.
They answer to their constituents. If Hillary does get elected, she will by thwarted at every turn if the GOP maintains majorities. The Dems do it too. It's called politics or Checks and Balances. And it didn't have a thing to do with his skin color. Had to do with his politics. I think it's more naive to believe politicians would sacrifice the support of there constituents to support anyone or anybody else.
Is there racism? Certainly. But we all face ingrained prejudices and we all have them.
I always consider this: Why are so many conservatives happy to support Ben Carson or Ted Cruz or Condoleeza Rice or Marco Rubio or Sarah Palin or Carly Fiorina, etc?
Where was all the support from Democrats to make Fiorina or Palin the First Woman President?
Where were all the black voters who should have supported Rice (a black woman, no less) or Carson? Good politics is about compromise and negotiation.
The last time we really saw that was probably between Reagan and Tip O'Neil who were diametrically opposed but were friendly and respectful of each other and hammered out deals that Americans in both parties could work with. The biggest point is that this kind of opinion - on both sides - is the very reason why we are gridlocked. As long as everyone's a racist, libtard, Antichrist, misogynist, tree hugger, bigot, redneck, etc. how can we even have a dialogue?
I say, "I don't like Obama's position on (blank)" and the first thing someone says is, "Well you are a racist." that pretty much ends the dialogue. If you say, "I don't like Trump's stand on (Blank) and the first thing is "Well, you are a tree-hugging Libtard." are you apt to negotiate with them? Seriously? Who would?
Every time I state a political position a Liberal hates, I immediately get called a name. Then I'm supposed to negotiate? Please. These parties have conspired with Big Business and PACs to control 99% of all our wealth then pit us against each other via the media.
If we all quit watching FOX News and CNN and Comedy Central, and lower our P.C. thought crimes, maybe we could have some constructive discourse and solve some real problems.