Who are the NAZIs now? Trump exposed them. That's why he is president
Let me say this right up front: Anyone who supports these violent protests - which include attacking cops, burning effigies of the president-elect, blocking traffic - are 100 percent wrong.
Vlivertarian tries to take each issue as they come. Vlivertarian is not politically biased.
Vlivertarian tries to enter discussions void of name-calling and threats. Vlivertarian tries to judge each person by the content of their character. Above all, Vlivertarian calls for discussions, heated, but void of name-calling and profanity so we can attack or defend issues, not people.
Having said that, I woke up this morning knowing there would be some protesting and I like and support that. If kids are allowed to walk peacefully out of school without repercussions, I guess they can. In fact, we expect protests before and after any presidential election.
But Wednesday's protests exposed something about the character of the protesters, the media and ultra-liberals: They are the haters. They are the NAZIs. They are violent. They are anti-democracy.
Sorry. but as I suspected, Trump tapped into this underlying, politically correct hatred and rode it into the White House.
I've been warning my liberal friends about this exact scenario since Obama was nominated. When they blame every ill on Christian Americans with white skin and do so using epithets and hateful, maniacal, frothing rants, they might as well elect Trump themselves.
When they overtly call all white people racists, hateful, NAZIs, misogynists, homophobic, ignorant, uneducated, violent, then wonder why there is a push back.
Sorry, but how many of these haters rioted when Obama was twice-elected? If they had done that, wouldn't they be called violent, haters, racists?
Which brings me to my second issue: The media.
The media reported on these riots as though they were covering a weather report. Not one national news report did anything but gleefully report on these events that remind me of the NAZI book-burning rallies and the outright street warfare and riots of the 1960s.
Had Trump supporters done the same, they would have been condemned as violent racists who want to overthrow the government.
Instead, these rioters will be held up as "freedom fighters" and "Righteous Demonstrators," instead of the criminals they are.
I mean, seriously, some of these hateful demonstrators are illegal immigrants! Name one other country in the world where an illegal immigrant can violently protest against the government without public censure or arrest?
You can't because it never happens.
And another theme: In the era of digital media, are we just too stupid to govern ourselves? I wanted to think that wasn't true. Recently I'm not so sure.
Look at our thought process:
Wages are too low, let's raise minimum wage
Healthcare is too expensive, let's have free medical insurance
The climate is changing, let's stop it from changing
Too much gun violence, let's take guns away from everyone
It goes on. But worse than that, is the easy manipulation of public thought and sentiment the media has over mush-filled American minds.
Today ultra-liberals scratch their heads and burn things like tantrum-throwing babies trying to figure out how Trump won, or, worse, telling Trump supporters why they voted for him.
I guess liberals are mind readers as well. And if they know so much about how Rednecks, bigots and racists think, why did they lose the elections?
Trump broke the mold. He refused to be shamed by the media. He refused to be shamed down by his own party members. He refused to be politically correct. He was the first major political figure who basically said things many of us think anyway and it had nothing to do with racism or sexism or sexual orientation or whatever ugly thing they are constantly being accused of.
Just the opposite. They are simply tired of being blamed for everyone else's problems.
They are simply tired of being accused of things they aren't.
They are tried of being told they have all these advantages when they struggle every day just to make ends meet.
Some, like me, are just tired of the hate we Americans have spewed at each other while we are getting fleeced by indifferent Big Government and the greed and manipulative Big Business.
My last point will be self-evident: The dismissive attitude of anyone who disagrees. Liberals will read this column and immediately claim the high moral ground and attack Trump or his supporters or me without even taking one second to even consider how Trump supporters might feel. I'm not saying they have to agree, simply try and understand where this backlash is coming from.
But they won't.
They will call me and others hateful names while claiming we are violent and hateful. Huh?
They will burn effigies, block traffic, attack cops, and soon, I am afraid, will simply start physically attacking anyone who voted for Trump. Then they will again claim they feel threatened by Trump, they feel unsafe because of Trump supporters. That their violent protests are justified because of all the violent racists and bigots and misogynists Trump supporters are.
And the media will comply. And the college administrators. And public school administrators. And the self-righteous liberals who tell their fellow Americans how hateful and stupid they are then can't understand why they find that offensive.
Just to save them the time: Liberals will say but Trump SAID he grabbed a p***y. Trump SAID he will ban illegal immigrants. But Trump SAID.... or they will just ignorantly say,but Trump is racist, xenophobic, misogynistic, bigoted, homophobic, blah blah blah.
And so, for the millionth time, I ask my liberal friends to stop acting like the brainless thugs they claim Trump supporters are. Because when they do that, they only reinforce and broaden the support Trump receives.
But they won't. They will be the worst examples of themselves. And Trump's support will swell. And THEY will guarantee his re-election and even more enlightened GOP members in Congress and state legislatures.
Please, both sides, stop the ugly name calling. Listen. Try to understand. Not agree, just understand. Stop taking each other's rights and freedoms away.