Why don't rural Whites care about urban Blacks?
Liberals give Trump supporters too much credit and too little credit at the same time.
They should know that, on paper, white rural poverty looks almost exactly like urban minority poverty: Fatherless families, drug and alcohol use, gun violence, poor use of educational services, lack of health care, higher death rate through suicide or death by people the victims already know.
Are there white racists? Yes.
Are they a major part of the electorate? Not even close.
Are they concerned about the plight of urban blacks? No freaking way.
Are they concerned about middle- and upper-class whites and Latinos? Hell no.
Are they concerned about left-handed catchers? Hell no.
Conversely, are urban Blacks concerned with the plight of rural whites? Hell no.
See, they are all trying to keep their own families above water.
We have been enslaved by these parties and Big Business to make just enough money to have something to lose but not poor enough to revolt.
These rural whate work shitty jobs all day then come home and see themselves depicted by the MSM as redneck, undereducated, racist, misogynist, drunk, sister-marrying, hicks who have some bizarre notion of "white Privilege" and are responsible for the plight of people they have only seen on TV and the movies.
Conversely, do Liberals expect poor inner-city blacks to care about any other families when they are barely staying alive?
Yesterday we drove past a construction crew that was working in 6-degree weather and 16 mph winds and snow because they can't afford to take the winter off. Then they come home are supposed to - what? Donate money to inner-cities? Vote for a Democrat president? Give their lands and pickups back in reparations?
Seriously, what are Liberals asking them to do, exactly?
Why can't inner-city minority communities and rural white communities join hands and stop talking skin color and start talking about the failure of their parties? Isn't it true? Show me a Democrat politician and I'll show you an urban slum. Show me a Republican in urban America, I'll show you poverty, suicide, ignorance, drugs, crime.
Liberals keep making everything about race when it should be about poverty and a corrupt system that enslaves about 40% of Americans in dire economic circumstances with almost no chance to advance.