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Youngsters & SJWs: Shut up and do something

I am tired of some people trying to convince me that Millenials and Gen Z kids and social justice warriors really care about the world.

I call horse manure! They sure like to talk about it, as if it makes them more thoughtful and civilized. Frankly, It makes me want to puke.

The again, my parents were Depression ERA-WWII generation and the decades of post-war prosperity.

Today's wussies, who suffer PTSD from harsh words, need to spend a month in the Midwest in 1933 or on the streets of Denver in the winter of 1942 or on a dam building crew. They need to live on a ranch or farm for a few years without a grocery store nearby; go on a health mission to South America or Africa where people really starve, get shot at, raped, and forced into slavery.

They need to serve in the military or The Peace Corps. Go where people and Mother Nature are indifferent to their petty little concerns about having to work in "soul-crushing" jobs where old people give them direction.

Words mean nothing without actions and grit. And I'm a writer!

We didn't use to delude ourselves to allow children to believe they had some kind of special insight or to blame their parents and teachers for every problem. Until a child has a job, mortgage/lease, kids, lives on $1 burgers and Top Ramen, misses a few meals regularly, has no access to weed and cabinet meds, and sacrifices THEIR land, money and holdings to give to the poor, they can just shut up.

THANK GOD my daughters do not act like Millenials or Generation Z.

So, youngsters and SJWs, Don't talk about raising awareness and enlightening others. Quit worrying about other people's character and beliefs and take care of your own. DO SOMETHING YOURSELF!

Give up your money, your clothes, your time, your property.

You want to make a change? MAKE IT!

You don't need to worry about Donald Trump or racists or bigots. You don't need to challenge the rights of others to make your difference in the world.

But first, you better be able to feed your own damn self. Take care of your loved ones.

When our great country collapses and we fall into another Dark Age, historians will look back and consider how unique and thoughtful and courageous our country was.

They will realize, like most great civilizations of the past, that we failed when we allowed the government to become our nanny and gave all of our God-given rights back to the very institution our Founders were most concerned about.

Unlike the radicals of the 1960s who distrusted government and knew they had to change it, these kids now want the government to solve all their problems by giving the government even more power.

Look where we are now and what is on the horizon.

Civil War? Collapse? Invasion?

Until these people start doing something instead of talking about it and worrying about the morals of others, they need to do something.


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