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Stop telling Americans why they hate Obamacare!

The Dallas Morning News posted a story only a Liberal could like. It claims that, "We don't think bad things will happen to us, so we lack empathy for those who struggle with health care costs." The story is here

This is one of those myths where the party tells people what they want them to know and it becomes fact and another reason to divide us. Here are a few of the real reasons Americans hate social medicine.

1. Many Americans do not trust the government with their money and would cite Social Security as the biggest example.

2. The first taste of Obamacare failed and even punished people like us. The monthies were higher than our mortgage and the deductible was enormous. We passed on the coverage and paid the damn fines.

3. Many people fear anything getting between them and their doctor. (I would argue that it already happens with insurance companies but perception is reality.)

4. Many people fear that older people who have abused their bodies expect younger and healthier people to pay for their coverage. This is one of my biggest fears. My daughters should not have to pay for some unhealthy person who brought it on themselves leaving fewer resources for young, healthy people.

5. Some argue that we already have social medicine. Hospitals only collect 18% on the dollar which is why your aspirin costs $6 -- because the other five guys didn't pay for theirs.

6. Many people who have worked hard to make sure their family is insured and pay the freight for others, don't think it is fair to pay for some who have brought on their own insurance problems through poor lifestyle and bad decisions.

7. Many resent the social programs that are already in place because they don't really help the families that are using them.

8. Many see the ADA as another in a long list of programs that keep people dependent on the government without giving them a real way to get out of the system. We have had prenatal to death programs for decades now and it has made the poverty issue even worse. I don't think anyone would disagree that short-term "welfare" services are necessary but at some point charities, nonprofits, services organizations and places of worship would be better suited and more efficient when delivering long-term services.

9. Yes, a few people are racist, greedy, self-centered bastards who don't want to share and, whether we like it or not, they have their opinions and their right to vote. Demonizing an entire group of people for the feelings and beliefs of a few is bigoted by definition and this strategy is used by both parties to the detriment of us all. Sorry for the long rant.



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