Somers Company Town News
Firewood raffle to raise funds for Town Project
The Somers Company Town Project is holding a raffle for 1½ cords of firewood. The wood is a mix of fir, lodge pole and tamarack and will be delivered to your home in the Flathead Valley.
Tickets are $10 and are for sale at allSliters locations and Somers Bay Café. The drawing will be held Nov. 1. All proceeds go toward the Somers Company Town Museum. Help preserve the history of Somers.
Contact Carolyn Wondrow at 857-2373 or LCwondrow@gmail.com.
Volunteers making improvements
The crew at the Somers Company Town Project is getting ready to rebuild a portion of the wooden boardwalk in Somers.
They already repainted some of the old Great Northern company office fence.
For more details call Dave Ruby at 837-1158.
Somers Company Town Museum
Open Sunday’s 1 to 4 p.m. Stop in and learn about the history of Somers, a town started by the Great Northern Railroad in 1901 to produce railroad ties. On the Rails to Trails path in Somers!
Lakeside-Somers Community Club
Upcoming events
Metings are at noon the second Wednesday of every month except for July and August at the Vista Linda. Come early to see your friends!
Lunch is $12 paid to the LCC or Lakeside Community Club.
Grant Application Process
Mid-September letters are mailed to potential or interested 501(c)3 organizations.
The Funding Application must be completed and returned by Oct. 15. Applications are reviewed by the Board and Committee and Allocations are determined.
Verification letters are mailed and must be returned before December 1. Checks are mailed about Dec. 15.
Accepting donations
We encourage you to donate whatever and whenever you are able.Ssee below for how. Donations to the Club are Tax Deductible: 501(c)3
Offer to speak at the Club’s monthly meeting.
Donate an item or Gift Certificate to the Silent Auction
Offer a place for the Frosty group to repair and paint
Help at the Fair....we always need Cashiers and Traffic Control. Participate in the Parade. Help with or ride in the Blacktail Hill Climb.
Monthly Meeting information:
Noon, Oct. 10 at Vista Linda - 240 Boon Road, Somers
All RSVP’s are now accepted online.
Cost is $12 for lunch
Membership Dues of $15 are being collected make checks payable to LCC or bring your credit card.
Hostesses: Fran Ruby, Diane Hamilton, Connie Schrepfer and Sharon Christenson
Vista Linda Notes: All reservations must be made by SATURDAY before the meeting. No reservations will be taken after Saturday.