West Shore Happenings
Greetings Neighbors & friends: This is a quick shout out to folks on the West Shore. We have an opportunity to help a local.
Greg Scott, another one of our many local “Do-Gooders” who has been a blessing to many folks locally and overseas, is asking for a bit of help. (Very unusual for this guy.) He has created a local test farm of 700 “Aronia” shrubs to act as a pilot project to see if we can create a local market for the plant’s berries, (which are very high in anti-oxidants). Now it is time to harvest the first trial crop. He has a dozen volunteers to help him with the harvest, but he lacks the “Berry Rakes” to do the job.
Sooo... If you have one of those huckleberry or blueberry harvesting comb tools and you can spare it for a few days, this is a great opportunity to bless a neighbor that has devoted most of his life to blessing others. Please contact him at (406) 871-4474 and let him know you have a tool he can use. You can drop it off with Rodney at the Lakeside Water & Sewer office on Bierney Creek road and he will pick it up. Please write your name and number on it so he can return it to you later.
Change of subject: I am still on the look out for clean fill dirt to fill in a low spot on my property, and so are several other folks on the West Shore. If you are going to dig out a foundation and haul away the dirt, please give me a call at 871-5548. Your dirt would be put to good use, either at my place or with another local. 871-5548 (Dan)
P.S. If you need fill dirt, email me with info about how much and when your deadline is. I will add you to the recipient list. (Your property must have easy access for a dump truck.)
These two “Help Alert Requests” raise an interesting point..... Why am I not sending out more of them???? Well..... Because very few locals are letting me know they could use a hand.
This missive reaches about up to 300 folks on the West Shore and many of us have tools or resources that we would be honored to share, for a worthy cause, but we are not aware of the opportunity.
Soo...send me your help request. Please note: This does not include fundraising. It’s content and publishing schedule are subject to my whim, so I make no promises that your request will get out there. BUT, it might. Keep your request short, to the point, and in text format.
Contact Dan directly at beneschd1@gci.net or through The Otter at flatheadotter@gmail.com.