Support the library at St. Patty's Party
The 2nd Annual St. Patrick’s Day Party and Fundraiser is March 17 at the Beargrass Bistro.
If you have not received your invitation and reservation form, you may find one on our website -- st_pats_invite.pdf or call 844.3917. You may mail your reservation to the library or drop it off. Deadline for is March 10.
Read Along with Us or Attend WSCL Book Group next meeting, 4 p.m., Wednesday, March 13 at the library. Join by clicking
WSCL Lecture Series Vigilantes of Montana by author, Carol Buchanan is 2 to 3 p.m., Sunday, March 24.
Kid’s Story Hour Every Thursday from 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. Stories and Crafts for Preschoolers and Their Parents!
Dr. Seuss’s 115th Birthday! Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you!
I am what I am! That’s a great thing to be! If I say so myself, Happy Birthday to ME!
115 Free Books, Games, Cookies!
Library Services Provided by Generous Community Donations * Unpublished Author’s Corner * Lakeside Chamber of Commerce Section * Community Bulletin Board for Non-Profits * Dayton Elementary Book Delivery * Books on Wheels * Used Books available by Contribution *Children’s Reading Room, Tablets, Science Exploration Tools * Kid’s Story Hour * Meeting Facilities -- community meetings free (reserve on website) * Fax -- small fee * B&W Copies - small fee * Black & White Scanning - free * Black & White Laser Printing - small fee * Parking lot WIFI access until midnight, Personal Laptops Welcome, Free Wifi * 5 Public Use Computers * Speaker Series * Magazine Exchange * Summer Reading Program
Pictured above: The WSCL Board hosted a thank you coffee Feb. 23. Thank you to all WSCL volunteer librarians, those who were able to attend and those that were not!
You are the ones who continue to serve our WSCL community!